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100 Questions To Ask Your Husband – Get To Know Your Partner Deeper

These 100 questions to ask your husband will help you get a true understanding of who your man is to the core. Sometimes, in a marriage, two people just start to go through the motions and forget that people can change with time. Because of this, it’s important to check in with each other every now and then.

questions to ask your husband

So, whether you just got married, are celebrating your 15th wedding anniversary, or riding into your 45th, consider having an at-home date night with a nice glass of wine and walking through this intimate list of questions to ask your husband. You just might learn a thing or two about the man you love!

intimate questions to ask your husband

100 Questions To Ask Your Husband – Get To Know Your Partner Deeper

When coming up with this list, I reference negative and positive emotions because these two forces define the human experience. You might want to skip around if you feel like you are honing in on one emotion for too long. You don’t want it to be all doom and gloom for 30 minutes straight! :0)

I hope you enjoy this list of questions to ask your husband. I certainly had fun putting it together.

  1. What’s something you used to think was important in our relationship and now you no longer care about it?
  2. Name one thing you can’t live without.
  3. If we were to divorce, name three things you would take from this house.
  4. Do you feel like you are living a meaningful life?
  5. What would you have done differently in your career if you could start over?
  6. If you inherited a million dollars, what would you do with it?
  7. Do you want more children?
  8. What are some things that inspire you?
  9. What is a career goal you are setting for yourself?
  10. Where do you want to retire?
  11. What is your biggest strength?
  12. What is your biggest weakness?
  13. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
  14. What is the number one thing you want to do on your bucket list?
  15. Would you ever get a tattoo – now?
  16. What is one thing you cannot live without?
  17. If you could eat the same food over and over again, what would it be?
  18. What keeps you up at night?
  19. Do you get jealous when you see me talking with other men?
  20. Define your ideal life.
  21. Do you feel like you have a good relationship with your parents?
  22. What is something you regret?
  23. How have you disappointed yourself recently?
  24. What brings you sheer joy?
  25. What are three things that you think we have in common?
  26. Do you think we are compatible?
  27. Do you like kissing or hugging more?
  28. Do we have enough sex?
  29. Name your favorite snack.
  30. What’s one dish that you wish I never cooked again.
  31. What’s one dish you want me to make more of?
  32. Name something your mother makes that you want me to learn how to cook.
  33. What are you most proud of?
  34. What time of day do you like to be intimate?
  35. Which of your parents are you like the most?
  36. Describe yourself in three words.
  37. Describe me in three words.
  38. What physical feature makes you most self-conscious?
  39. What’s one thing you always procrastinate on?
  40. What are three things you take for granted?
  41. Do you feel secure when you think about our finances?
  42. Name a moment from our past – a memory – that you hold onto that brings you joy.
  43. Do you believe that I love you?
  44. What advice would you give to your younger self?
  45. If you could change anything about how you were raised, what would it be?
  46. Tomorrow, you will wake up with a superpower – what will it be?
  47. If someone in your life could forgive you right now, who would it be and why?
  48. What is one question you’ve never asked me?
  49. How can I show you more respect as a wife?
  50. What was the greatest day of your life?
  51. What was the worst day of your life?
  52. What have you not accomplished yet?
  53. What do you hate that I do?
  54. What’s something you’re glad you’ll never have to do again?
  55. Who was your first kiss?
  56. What do I mean to you?
  57. Do you have any habits that you’d like to break?
  58. Is there any new hobbies that you’d like to take up?
  59. Are you happy with me?
  60. Name a big dream you have for yourself.
  61. Do you feel like we spend enough time together? Too much time?
  62. Favorite memory from childhood?
  63. Favorite memory from adulthood?
  64. Favorite memory with me?
  65. If you could trade jobs with someone – who would it be?
  66. Who is your best friend and why?
  67. What made you fall in love with me?
  68. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  69. What is your love language? How do you like to receive love?
  70. How do you feel about your relationship with your parents?
  71. What is your greatest talent?
  72. Did you ever want more or less siblings?
  73. What is your favorite song – ever?
  74. What is your favorite movie – ever?
  75. What was the first concert you ever attended?
  76. If you could see anyone in concert now – who would it be?
  77. If we could pick up and move anywhere, where would you want to go?
  78. Where do you want to be buried?
  79. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
  80. Do you like the relationship you have with God?
  81. What is one thing you are never willing to try?
  82. Tell me something you’ve always wanted to tell me.
  83. Define your ideal day.
  84. Out of all of our friends, who do you think has the best relationship?
  85. What would you like to see more of in our marriage?
  86. How often would you like us to go out on dates?
  87. Who is a hero in your life?
  88. What is your favorite NON-physical quality about me?
  89. What does this world need more of?
  90. If you had to give yourself a new name, what would it be?
  91. In 20 years, where are we?
  92. Why do you love me?
  93. What is your favorite part of the day?
  94. How do you feel about getting older?
  95. When was the last time you thought about me in a positive way?
  96. In a negative way?
  97. What does love mean to you?
  98. What is one secret you’ve always wanted to tell me, but haven’t?
  99. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  100. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
  101. What’s something I could do more to show you I love you?
  102. What’s something I could say more to show you I love you?
  103. How can I make your day / week easier?
  104. What is our biggest strength together?
  105. Do you ever wish you were born during another time period?
  106. What’s the strangest thing you Googled this week?

I couldn’t stop at 100! Gave you a few more at the end of this questions to ask your husband list.

Related: 50 Couple Bucket List Ideas

marriage questions

What are good marriage questions?

When coming up with marriage questions to discuss with your spouse, I think you have to make sure that you have a good balance between tough / negative feeling ones and prompts that will generate a heartfelt response. You can’t ask one question after the next about regrets and disappointments. Mix it up!

Related: The 10 Marriage Goals Every Relationship Needs

marriage questions to bond
100 questions to ask your husband

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