With Father’s Day around the corner, most children have plans to make the day special for their dad, creating handmade gifts and unique experiences for the family to do together. Be sure to include these 50 questions to ask your dad as a way to strengthen your bond and get to learn interesting things about the caregiver in your life.

When coming up with questions for Dad, consider everything you’ve ever wanted to know about his life. You could dive into personal stories, humorous ones, tap into some serious advice, or hunt for facts about your family tree. It’s up to you. Here are some topics to consider:
- Deeper level questions
- World events opinions
- Family member information
- Open-ended questions about his likes
- Questions about his teenage years
- Favorite actor / singer / movie / color
- Life lessons
- Feel-good questions
- Earliest memory
- Family gatherings and memories
- Favorite place to vacation / rest / eat
- Who are the most influential people in his life
- Most important qualities he values
- Deep dive into his spiritual life
- Favorite meal
- Who had the biggest impact on him
- Details on your fathers’ career
- Meaningful questions
- Dad values
- Deep questions about the universe
- Best gift ideas
- Family history
- Former employers
- His love life
- Who the most influential person is in his life
- Early life memories
- Defining foundation of personal history
- The different people he values
- His most important lesson
- Unfortunate things that took place in his life
- Gut check moments that have defined him
- Health scares
No matter what you choose, it’s all about asking deeper questions to get into your dad’s minds. Have a deep conversation about his personal life and see where it takes you.
To help get you started, I’ve come up with 50 questions to ask your father to help kickstart the conversation. Use these icebreakers and a jump off point to bridge off to your own conversation moving towards your personal truth.
50 Questions To Ask Your Dad
- How did you meet my mom?
- What did you like to do when you were a kid growing up?
- Why did you choose my name?
- How did we end up living in this house?
- What was your wedding like?
- Were you close to your dad when you were a kid?
- What is the best thing about being a dad?
- What is the hardest thing about being a dad?
- What are you most afraid of?
- Tell me about your first car.
- What was the hardest thing you had to go through in life?
- What is one thing you still wish to do in your life?
- If you could take any vacation right now, where would we go?
- How do you think we are the same?
- How do you think we are different?
- What was the most embarrassing thing your parents ever did to you?
- What is something you like to do to unwind?
- Did you have a favorite pet growing up?
- What was your hometown like when you were a kid?
- Tell me about your best friend when you were a kid.
- What is your favorite song?
- What was your first concert?
- Name a memory from your teen years you will never forget.
- What do you do at work all day?
- What did your generation grow up with that you wish mine grew up with?
- Who has been influential to you in your life?
- When do you feel most happy?
- If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
- What is one piece of advice you wish I understood?
- Name your proudest accomplishment.
- What is one thing you remember about your own father?
- Were you named after anyone?
- What decade has been your favorite so far?
- When you were a child, what did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?
- What is something you see in me that reminds you of yourself?
- Name your favorite childhood toy.
- Were you popular in high school?
- What was the silliest Halloween costume you ever wore?
- Did you have chores as a kid?
- What was the best award you ever won?
- How do you want your kids to remember you?
- What’s something your parents always told you that turned out to be true?
- Who did you turn to for advice when you were younger?
- Who do you turn to for advice now as an adult?
- Who was the first girl you ever said, “I love you” to?
- Did you have any family traditions when you were a kid?
- What are some of mom’s best qualities?
- Did you ever play pranks as a child?
- Were you rebellious as a teen?
- If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

How well do you know Dad questions?
Want to flip the script? Here are some questions that you can answer about your father to test your knowledge about HIM. Answer the following batch in front of him and see how many you can get right!
- When is your dad’s birthday?
- What was your dad’s first job?
- What does your dad do for a living?
- Did your father finish college? If so, where did he go?
- What is your dad’s favorite color?
- If your father could eat one meal over and over again, what would it be?
- What is his favorite sport to watch?
- What is his favorite sport to play?
- What is his favorite hobby?
- Does he like wine or beer with dinner?
- How old is he?
- How tall is he?
This conversation will be the gift that will keep giving. You can do on Father’s Day as part of a huge family bonding activity or just sit down during dinner, any other night during the year. It’s up to you.
Looking for other question prompts?