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10 Games To Play With Friends When Bored And Losing Your Mind

Looking for games to play with friends when bored and restless? I found ten super fun options for you and your pals that will change your mood and bring back the fun and excitement to the party.

Games To Play With Friends When Bored

Grab a group of friends and enjoy these party game that are all fast paced and filled with laughs. If you are looking for fun challenging options, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether it board games, card games, or a simple classic games – it doesn’t matter. Just get the party started. Literally.

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Games To Play With Friends When Bored

Looking for games to play with friends when bored and restless? I found ten super fun options for you and your pals that will change your mood and bring back the fun and excitement to the party.

Personally, we like to keep these most of these games on hand for family game night. My three children are obsessed with board games and when we want to unplug, it’s very easy to unwind with our little ones thanks to some of these titles.

Related: 10 Fun Things to Do Over FaceTime With Friends

What can you play with friends inside?

having fun with friends

If you are looking for more ideas to do with friends while you are bored, here is a list of suggestions that don’t require you to purchase anything. You could just either grab a pen and paper or use things that you find around the house.

  • Create an indoor treasure hunt
  • Indoor picnic
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Easy Card Games
  • Create a word search
  • Drawing contest
  • Hide and Seek
  • Grab a few puzzles
  • Declutter contest
  • Indoor bowling
  • Guess the word
  • Hangman
  • Pictionary
  • Dots and Boxes
  • Hot potato

These friend games will offer you hours of entertainment. Whether you find yourself in big groups or small gatherings, I am sure one of these will work for you! Play a game with your pals and get off of your PHONES!

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