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100 Free Printable Sudoku, Word Searches, And Mazes For Kids

This week, I spent some time collecting over 100 free printable sudoku, word searches, and mazes to help my children whenever I find them looking for something to do. These free online resources for kids are such a great combination of fun and learning that I just had to share!

free printable sudoku

If you are looking for online activity kits for kids that are free to download for families, here is a collection of over 100 printables for you and your littles to enjoy.

Over 100 Free Printable Sudoku, Word Searches, And Mazes For Kids

I’m personally always on the hunt for easy sudoku printables. It’s actually one of my favorite hobbies to do while home. I wanted to be sure that my three littles grew up loving this past-time as well and kicked things off with really simple squares. You will find these free printable sudoku puzzles will be a great start for anyone.

kids word search and online activities

As far as these word search printable options are concerned, the topics are endless! Whether your children want to talk about their favorite Disney characters, ice cream cones, Harry Potter, or spring flowers – there is a free printable word search games to fill that need.

And who doesn’t love mazes and activity kits? I always make sure to look for complete kits when searching for free printables for kids. I think these options are my family’s favorite because it’s gives them MORE TO DO at once.

boredom busters for kids

I’ve made sure to include a little bit of all of the above when consolidating my list of favorites of free printable sudoku and more. I hope you find what you are looking for today.

Free Printables For Kids

100 Free Printable Sudoku, Word Searches, And Mazes For Kids

This week, I spent some time collecting over 100 free printable sudoku, word searches, and mazes to help my children whenever I find them looking for something to do. These free online resources for kids are such a great combination of fun and learning that I just had to share!

Looking For More Free Printable Word Searches For Kids?

If you still need more printable ideas for your kids beyond free printable sudoku, I completely understand! Here are even more options for you to consider:

  1. Winter Word Search Printable – You’ll find a free download with a winter word search set with three different levels of difficulty. There is also an option of color graphics or black line graphics. 
  2. Breakfast Word Search Printable – Some words included in this breakfast search are:  bacon, bagel, biscuits, bread, butter, cereal, cinnamon roll, cocoa, coffee, cold pizza, crepes, and croissant.
  3. Farm Life for Kids – Featuring 24 words related to rural life
  4. Focus on Fall Words – Kids can have some fall fun with these free printable word finds with words related to fall plus small areas to color.
  5. I Love Spring – This activity is intended for primary school children and best suited for students in Grades 2, 3 & 4.
  6. Superheroes Unite – This printable is perfect little crime fighters big and small!
  7. Weather Busters – Focuses on everything related to the weather.
  8. St. Patrick’s Day Themed – We love this holiday all year long!
  9. Under the Sea – Take a trip under the water with your children.
  10. Pizza Word Search – Do I have to say more?
  11. Harry Potter Themed – And it’s in color!
maze printables made for bored kids

Free Maze Printables For Kids

Each of these mazes have a specific theme. Whether you are looking for a letter, an animal, an alien or a birthday cake, I have you covered!

  1. Kangaroo and her baby
  2. Fall Kit including mazes
  3. Koala Bear
  5. The Letter P
  6. Alien
  7. Dog
  8. The Letter Z
  9. Mariah Carey Maze – You can’t make these things up.
  10. Birthday Cake
  11. Help a bee to his friends
  12. Princess Maze
  13. Shark Maze
  14. An Easter Cross
  15. Alien head
  16. Dinosaur
  17. Octopus
  18. Tigers

Free Sudoku Printables for Kids

This is just a small offering of what is available online. I want to note that I typically head to the Dollar Store and pick up my sudoku books there for a dollar at a time. So, if your kids really get into this – don’t worry about running out of puzzles. You won’t! There are so many books whenever I go in and they are ONE BUCK.

Use these free sudoku printable links for now and then keep the Dollar Store trick in your back pocket.

  1. Easy for beginners
  2. Come up with your own – blank template
  3. Easy Sudoku
  4. A challenging puzzle
  5. Zebra Sudoku
  6. Party Sudoku
  7. Smiley Sudoku
  8. Few Options
  9. Wide Variety
  10. Split out by grade
  11. 12 Easy pages
  12. 12 of the hardest sudoku you will find
  13. An easy run
  14. One that will age you, give you grey hair, and make you lose sleep
keeping kids entertained

More Free Activity Kits To Download

If you are still looking for more to do with your family, these online activity kits for kids will keep them busy for ages. I have an accordion folder and I print about 5 or 6 a day at a time. Then, when my child is looking for something to do, he can just go into his folder and check out what surprises are waiting for him.

I never tell him what kid printables I am printing. I just do it. He really gets a kick out of it. Whenever you have some free time, just print a few of these a day and stuff them in a folder. Bored Kids need direction. When he is done with his online learning, I send him right to his folder.

  1. Build A Snowman
  2. Pretend Play Ice Cream Shop
  3. Make your own Comic Strip
  4. 12 I Spy Games
  5. Pretend Play – Zoo Keeper
  6. Fairy Tale ISpy
  7. Pretend Play – Movie Theater
  8. Handprint Tiger Craft
  9. Pretend Play – IDs and Licenses for Kids
  10. Pretend Play – Become a Spy
  11. Paper Plate Cow
  12. Pretend Play – Open a Restaurant
  13. Butterfly Sun catcher
  14. Blank Faces Coloring Pages Kit
  15. Funny Monsters Coloring Pages Kit
  16. Design your own Paper Dolls
  17. Oreos Taste Test
  18. Paper Plane Kit
  19. Fortune Teller Printable
  20. Baby Yoda Craft
  21. RAK Activity Kit
  22. Bunny Paper Mask
  23. Scrabble Math: Planets
  24. Bunny Ears Hat
  25. Sweet Bees Printable Kit
  26. Safari Kids Pack
  27. Nature Scavenger Hunt
  28. Make your own bookmarks
  29. Bugs Coloring Activity Kit
  30. Scrabble Math: Transportation
  31. Snow Day Bingo
  32. Look how I’ve grown kit
  33. Animal Bingo
  34. Summer Bingo
  35. Alphabet Bingo
  36. Dragon ISpy
  37. Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
  38. Unicorn Paper Bag
  39. DIY Make your own sandwich
  40. Build a Unicorn
  41. Build a Pig
  42. Puppy Dog Printable Crafts
printable sudoku

Keep Your Kids Entertained With These Free Downloads

So, what do you think? Any of these resources work for you?! If you like this list, make sure that you pin it or bookmark this page for later use.

Looking for more ways to entertain your kids? How about these fun options:

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