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How To Stop Suffering From Lower Back Pain In The Morning After Sleeping

Many adults wake up suffering from lower back pain as a result of the wrong sleeping position. The type of mattress and its springiness play an important role in lowering lower back pain.

It’s strange that people don’t spend more time focusing on the importance of their mattress considering we spend a third of our lives sleeping. A mattress that is too hard will cause backache. A mattress that is too soft will also result in lower back pain after long hours of sleep, and it may even aggravate the lumbar, sacral, and spinal discs.

How To Stop Suffering From Lower Back Pain In The Morning After Sleeping

Suffering from lower back pain in the morning after sleeping

If you are suffering from lower back pain in the morning after sleeping, it is better to preserve the natural curve of your spine. The middle part (thoracic region) between the shoulders should be higher than the upper part (cervical region) between the head and neck. This is important to remember.

Even though there is no substitution for a firm mattress, it still needs to be softer on one side than the other so you can easily turn yourself from one side to another during sleep time. For people who suffer from chronic lower back pain due to sleeping in the same position every night, it is a good practice to change the sleeping position on different sides of the bed every night.

Not everyone can afford a new mattress, so make sure that you recognize, as side sleepers, that you need to change positions often. A good night’s sleep isn’t easy when your sleep quality is low.

Suffering From Lower Back Pain In The Morning After Sleeping

For patients who are suffering from chronic pain, it is necessary to keep their spine in a natural position while sleeping. Hence, it is a good idea for them to have a suitable mattress that helps their lower back pain after waking up. A memory foam mattress is an excellent choice when dealing with chronic conditions.

It has the highest level of viscosity, which is different from traditional viscoelastic materials. In addition to offering a comfortable sleeping environment, a memory foam mattress can help lower back pain in the morning after sleeping and increase the quality of your sleep AND your quality of life. It really is a good mattress.

lower back ache

Why does my lower back ache when I wake up?

Having correct posture while sleeping helps you wake up in the morning with a fresh body and without muscle tightness. Sleeping on your back is recommended as it will help prevent lower back pain after waking up. Try to avoid stomach sleeping if possible. Here are some tips to help you maintain good posture when sleeping:

  • Place a pillow under your head, no more than two pillows.
  • Place a pillow under your knees, two pillows if you suffer from lower back pain.
  • Place another small pillow on your side to support your waist area. This helps keep your hips in alignment and improves circulation.

What is the best sleep position to alleviate back pain?

This is a matter of personal preference. What works for one person may not work for another so, in the end, you have to experiment to see what position helps your back pain. In any case, it is important that we keep our spine straight and avoid any sharp twists or activities that may cause strain while sleeping.

Sleep problems occur when sharp twists occur and your entire body comes out of alignment. You need to make sure that you have back support – even at night. Whether you are in the back sleepers camp or the side sleeping camp, just keep that in mind.

alleviate back pain

What exercises can I do to alleviate lower back pain?

Exercises such as stretching, yoga, and Pilates are helpful in alleviating pain relief and muscle strain after waking up. It is important to keep your abdominals strong as a weak core can result in lower back pain from twisting or lifting heavy objects.

It’s not only about your sleeping posture with this issue. This serious problem needs to be addressed all day long. Are you making your body strong? Yes, pain medication will help alleviate some of your back hurt, but you should not only look at treatment options. You should also figure out the best solution to strengthening your core and live a healthy lifestyle.

exercise for back pain

How do you get rid of lower back pain after sleeping?

  1. Sleeping on a firm mattress will help you wake up with a little bit of lower back pain. You can choose between an innerspring or memory foam mattress for better results.
  2. Maintain good posture during sleep to prevent waking up with lower back pain every morning.
  3. Practice certain exercises regularly, such as Pilates and yoga, to strengthen your core muscles and improve your flexibility. When you do these exercises, try not to exert yourself too much by doing repetitions that strain the body too much, but maintain control over the movement so that it is smooth and steady; The slow pace allows time for muscle building gradually without putting too much stress on the body causing more harm than good.
  4. The back pain after sleeping could be due to incorrect posture during sleep or lack of exercise. If the problem continues, consult with a physiotherapist or your doctor to get more tips on how you may alleviate this kind of pain in the future. They will be able to pinpoint the cause of your back pain and tell you whether it is really about a bad mattress or some other common cause. You might even need steroid injections or chiropractic care.
  5. Avoid sitting for too long as it is likely that you will experience lower back pain after waking up in the morning if you have been sitting for too long at work; Try to take breaks every couple of hours and walk around your office instead of staying seated; This way, your muscles will be able to relax which helps reduce lower back pain in the morning after sleeping.

What causes low back pain?

Lower back discomfort can cause various symptoms including:

  • extreme stiffness
  • sudden aches and spasms
  • shooting pain in the back or around neck area
  • difficulty walking and weak knees.
  • numbness of hands and feet
  • burning sensation or discomfort if you have been sitting too long.

Depending on the nature of your job, sedentary lifestyles that involve sitting down for too long can be one of the causes of lower back pain. Other causes include:

Chronic strain — If you lift heavy objects incorrectly or often carry out strenuous activities without warming up properly before doing so, it will put a lot of stress on your muscles causing them to tighten; This is where chronic strain begins to occur leading to lower back pain.

Weak muscles — Lower back pain after sleeping could be due to weak abdominal muscles which results in back pain. If you do not exercise regularly, your core is weak, and without proper support to hold the spine straight during sleep, your body twists into an unnatural position causing lower back pain to occur; The more you experience lower back pain after sleeping, the weaker your abdominals become.

Poor posture –– Most people spend most of their time sitting down for work or driving. This often leads to slouching as a person tries to rest his/her head on the steering wheel while driving or sitting at work all day long; In this case, poor posture results in excessive strain on the muscles around the shoulders and neck which can lead to lower back discomfort.

healthy lifestyle

How do I get rid of low back pain?

There is no specific way to get rid of low back pain after sleeping as it occurs due to different reasons. When you experience lower back discomfort in the morning, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Exercise regularly — Regular exercise such as warming up prior to doing any physical activity helps improve muscle strength and flexibility which can reduce chronic strain on your body. It allows blood flow to relax muscles that tighten from exerting too much during the day so that your core is properly supported. Regular exercise also improves posture throughout the day as well so that you are less likely to slouch while seated at work or driving.
  2. Try Yoga and Pilates — You can choose yoga or Pilates classes if you find it difficult to do the stretches at home. These exercises focus on improving flexibility, stretching, and strengthening the muscles as well as improving your posture. Yoga involves controlled breathing which calms you down before sleeping allowing you to experience a much better sleep; Pilates focuses on core strength so that your back is properly supported and stabilized.
  3. Maintain proper posture — Make sure that when seated for work or driving, your entire spine is aligned straight with shoulders kept back instead of leaning forward; Your lower back should also be in a neutral position which allows it to keep its natural curve. It prevents strain from happening throughout the day thus reducing lower back pain after sleeping.

What is the fastest way to relieve back pain?

Depending on the type of pain, you can relieve back pain by taking Acetaminophen and applying ice to the affected area. Once you experience these symptoms, try lying down for 5 minutes on your side or stomach. This is a great way to reduce nerve pressure resulting in relief from the discomfort.

You will still feel some discomfort but it is unlikely that it will make you lie awake at night. However, if there is persistent lower back pain in the morning after sleeping, it would be best to see a doctor especially if the pain persists despite changing positions frequently throughout the day or using an ice pack overnight.

Lower back pain after sleeping: How long does it last?

The average duration of lower back discomfort due to sitting is approximately 4 hours according to studies done in 2008 at researchers at the University of California. However, there are some people who experience pain during a whole day after doing too much work while also not incorporating regular exercise into their daily routine.

In this case, lower back pain can result in chronic discomfort and even result in disability. Regular exercise helps prevent you from experiencing fatigue as well so that working long hours is less likely to cause back problems.

sleeping right

How to stop backaches after sleeping?

There are various home remedies that help relieve lower back discomfort such as warm baths or compresses but again it differs depending on what has caused the problem; Keep these tips in mind to get relief from lower back pain:

  • Heat treatment — A heating pad or hot water bottle can be applied to your lower back for 15 minutes. This helps relieve tension and relax sore muscles; Make sure that the heat is not too hot or you can burn yourself — Always read the instructions carefully before using these products
  • Apply ice or cold compress — The aim is to reduce inflammation so apply an ice pack on the affected area of 5 – 10 minutes while taking acetaminophen
  • Relax your mind — It is important to unwind from a stressful day by reading a book, listening to music or watching television for about 20-30 minutes before going to bed. Try playing easy games which require little physical activity such as board games or card games with family members. Reading a fiction book under dim lights before sleeping has also been found to help people go sleep faster because it reduces stress.
  • Stretch and exercise — You can try some gentle stretches at bedtime such as bending while sitting on a chair and rotating from side to side or reaching towards your toes with both arms extended. It helps keep the muscles flexible so that they do not cramp up during sleep; You can also take short walks each day at lunch time for around 30 minutes since physical activity promotes better deep sleep. Stretching after waking up in the morning is also helpful if you are getting out of bed slowly avoiding sudden movements which may trigger pain in the back muscles.
  • Memory Foam Mattress — If you suffer from lower back pain, it is recommended to sleep on a memory foam mattress. It will help maintain your spine in the natural position of its curve.

What do I need to consider before buying a new bed?

Buy a comfortable and supportive mattress so that it supports proper alignment and prevents aches and pains. Try to find a mattress that you do not sink into or one which feels too firm. Some people may prefer sleeping on a hard surface because it can make them feel more alert and awake in the morning but it is generally not recommended since it may cause back pains.

A Tempurpedic mattress takes shape of your body, helping support different parts of your body including your lower back muscles. It has been found that memory foam mattresses are best suited for those who suffer from lower back pain after sleeping due to their ability to reduce pressure points while providing cushioning and reducing strain on muscles after waking up; You can read some Tempurpedic mattress reviews online before making a decision if this type of mattress would be helpful in relieving your pain after waking up

The right mattress should be firm enough to provide support but not too hard or soft so that it is more comfortable for you. Memory foam mattresses are good since they bear the weight of a person’s body and slowly adjust to different parts; Also, try to buy a mattress that does not have springs as this can cause backaches after waking up.

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