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14 Days To A New You #ProjectMeAgain: The Ultimate To-Do List To Help You Achieve A Stress Free Life


Sometimes you have to give yourself in order to grow. Sometimes you have to stop asking for things and start offer services instead. Sometimes it’s just about getting back to basics.

When you feel you aren’t giving enough of yourself… you aren’t.

And this could come in several different forms.

  • Are you helping out in your community enough?
  • Are you supporting your friends – those that need help?
  • Are you listening to your family’s needs and are you meeting them?
  • Are you present in your life?

This year kicked my “you know what”. I had a very successful year financially. I know it’s only June – but the first and second quarters rocked. I worked like an ANIMAL to achieve this. Don’t get me wrong. However, that meant that I wasn’t home a lot. I traveled WAY too much. I was away from my family and my friends and my community. While I was away, my daughter had some trouble, two friends started battles with cancer and several family members lost their jobs. Life happened. It didn’t stop because I was away. It kept rolling along and I wasn’t there to lend a helping hand. Not even a finger.

Now that I am home and grounded again, I’m feeling a little guilty. I’m trying to plug back in and reconnect with reality. I’m feeling a bit helpless because I don’t know where to start but I know that I must. I also acknowledge that many people are probably in my same boat.

You want to help but you don’t know how.

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You want to know how you can start? By listening.

I had a huge talk with my daughter this weekend about a few things that are going on in her life and we started from there. I now understand the situation and have figured out a path for us to walk.

For the rest of my personal life, it’s just about checking in and hearing what’s important and what help is needed. I think people don’t get involved because they don’t know where to start. It can all seem so overwhelming. But if you just decide that you will take one tiny step, that is a great beginning.

I can’t stop thinking about Vivienne Harr! I mean – everything she has done at such an early age is all so inspiring. But it started with a tiny lemonade stand. One small stand.

What will your stand be? You must know someone who needs a little help? How will you provide it? It could be as small as a daily check in. Maybe a text message or a coffee date. Is someone in your neighborhood struggling financially? Cook them a meal or bring over some treats for their kids if you can afford it. Do what you can – but do something. Live a life of giving.

We spend all our time filling our houses with stuff. We want and need and want and want again. But none of it is important. The good feelings – those come when you connect with people not things.

Would love for you to let me know how you are lending a hand. Use  #ProjectMeAgain onInstagram or Twitter and please tag me – @VeraSweeney.

Check back in a few days for the next challenge.

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