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Those First Few Months Of Motherhood


This post was sponsored by Pampers and CafeMom.

You can read every book that’s available under the sun and you still won’t ever be prepared for those first few weeks of motherhood. It’s every emotion rolled into one.

It’s joy.

It’s happiness.

It’s frustration.

It’s worry.

It’s euphoria.

It’s all that you ever imagined it to be and more.


And then… life throws you a curve ball and you don’t know how to stand. In 2005, my daughter Natalie just couldn’t get comfortable. We couldn’t figure out why. Everything bothered her. She seemed like she was constantly in pain. When she ate – when she didn’t – when she was rocking – or when she was left alone on her play mat… there was something inside of her that was causing her pain. As first-time parents, it took us some time to figure out that she needed a doctor’s help and that she actually needed to be on medication for acid reflux. To be honest with you, the drops didn’t always work! It was more like a 50/50. Relief can with growth which OF COURSE took time and that was a hard pill to swallow – literally.

My little baby girl really struggled during her first few months and when she finally passed out from exhaustion… I wanted nothing to wake her. I wanted not a sound to be made. I wanted not a leaf to fall. And I wanted her diapers to never leak. That’s when I became a Pampers mom – during those months. During the months when it mattered the most. She used up so much of her energy during the day that I just needed her to regain herself during her naps and sleeps at night. Natalie deserved that!

And so did I.

No one ever told me that motherhood was easy. But no one told me that motherhood also meant possibly having a baby that cried for 3 months straight either. When she rested, then I rested too. We would both collapse into a stupor and believe me our bodies thanked us for it.

All these years later – I thank Pampers for helping us have a few extra minutes each day and a few extra hours each night. They LITERALLY meant the world to an exhausted mom holding onto life by a string.

And that’s why – even after two more pregnancies – I never wavered to another brand.  Because I KNEW what weapons I needed in my arsenal to survive the first few months with a newborn.

Caleb Standing CafeMom 2-16

If you are looking for 12 hour protection so your baby can sleep soundly, then you should check out Pampers Baby Dry. With 3 absorbent layers, your baby will get extra support throughout the night which will benefit everyone in the family.

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