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Daily Diary: 10 Things I Have To Keep Reminding Myself

I love writing these top 10 posts. They act as a great reminder to straighten up and get back on the right path. This week’s list is about things I easily forget. It’s so easy to get caught up in the nonsense, right?  What’s important is usually taken for granted.

Here’s my reset.

10 Things I Have To Keep Reminding Myself:

1. Life is a marathon – not a sprint.

2. And while I’m running… I need to remember to look around and enjoy the scenery.

3. Health is the most important thing – never take it for granted.

4. My children are growing faster than I’d like. Embrace each meltdown because there are only so many left.

5. And nothing matters but their happiness.

6. We’re only here once. So, remember to dance in the rain.

7. Everyone else can keep their drama.  I don’t have time or energy to dedicate towards it.

8. Friends are a gift. Real friends are a blessing.

9. Find the simple pleasures in life. They are more important than anything that is store bought.

 10. Live a healthy life.  Our bodies need us. Our children’s’ bodies do too.

Do you have any that you’d like to add? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Kelly {the Centsible Life}

Monday 23rd of July 2012

I would add-remember to take care of yourself. Too many women feel guilty for sleeping in, going to get a pedicure, or even going away overnight. Know that you are worth it. Take care of you so you can take on the world.


Monday 23rd of July 2012

Gorgeous and enduring sentiment.

Jenn @therebelchick

Monday 23rd of July 2012

I have to remind myself of many of these same things. Each time my teenage daughter has a crazy mood swing, I remind myself that when she goes off to college and I rarely see her, I'll miss those mood swings!


Monday 23rd of July 2012

After the tragedy in Colorado Friday, these 10 reminders are very important...just going to a movie could change your life forever!

Shana D

Monday 23rd of July 2012

Love this list! It's often the simple things that are forgotten yet they are so important.

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