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Yes This Spartacus Fan Took Her Kids To The Colosseum

Sorry, you didn’t think I was going to visit Italy and NOT hit up the Colosseum, did you? I had NO CHOICE! It was actually the ONLY thing we paid for while visiting Rome with the kids last week. I insisted – and lucky for me –  Bill is also a DIE HARD fan of the show Spartacus. We were in – 100%. I was actually borderline manic. I’ve been to the Colosseum 15 years ago, but I have a new frame of reference at this point.

The line was astronomical. I’m talking at least 3 hours to get in. We had ZERO desire to wait that long. So, we found an English speaking tour and paid to be a part of it. They got us through the doors, we listened for 5 minutes to be polite and then booked it.

Immediately, when you walk it, you can FEEL the history of this landmark. It’s… colossal (for lack of a better word). And it was CROWDED. To get by the gate to take a shot like this, you really have to wait a few minutes and then jump in when the crowd disperses.

To get to the second level, prepare yourself. The steps are really STEEP. Both the kids had a little trouble with them (ok I did too). I was frantically looking for gelato or something once I reached the top. You know, as my reward. LOL! I found a book store – close enough.

As soon as we got to Rome, we bought tickets on one of the tourist buses. It was a great purchase because you were able to zip around without much trouble. If you don’t want to pay to go inside the Colosseum, you can at least get a fab view from one of these tours.

AND OF COURSE we had to take pictures with the Romans! You had to hear me. “Put the sword by his neck, Natalie”. LOL

Mom of the year!!!!


* this trip was sponsored by Sea Cuisine. Visit their site in a few weeks to read a more detailed recap of our trip.


Wednesday 18th of April 2012

It's so awesome you were able to go to a beautiful country with your family. Love seeing the photos!


Monday 16th of April 2012

a wonderful place for kids of all ages to see !!

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