Great news for Patricia Field fans! The designer has opened a brand new store called the Patricia Field Art Fashion Gallery and I couldn’t be happier for her. Before I get into details about her new launch, I want to tell you a little bit about growing up in the city and how she was a part of it all. To this day, I have such an affection for this woman. I am SO beyond thrilled about this new gallery!!!
I have such an affinity for Patricia Field – it’s on a cellular level. Not many of you know this about me, but she holds a very special place in my heart. I grew up spending weekends in the village. It was my favorite place to hang out with my friends. A quick N-train ride and we would step foot into Narnia. 8th street used to be blocks and blocks of shoe stores in between unique one-off boutiques. Broadway had more of a hodgepodge, but it never felt commercial. An untouched, gritty, artsy, “finger on the pulse” district that called to me every Saturday and Sunday. From 15 on, that’s where I spent my time. Patricia used to have a store that was super special. It pretty much represented the village. Every trip – every week – my friends and I would go and visit. We would pool our money to buy something – ANYTHING. It WAS the village. I can’t explain it better than that.
The village wasn’t high-end galleries and overpriced condos. It wasn’t lofts that cost 8 million dollars to walk by and coffee shops with organic green beans from Mars. It was artists selling clothes and making ends meet and showing the best versions of themselves all while offering those pieces up to you. The creativity was tangible. You just wanted to be there. It was enough.
When my senior prom came around, I tried my hardest to afford a dress from her store and I just couldn’t swing it. I ended up buying something from 8th street either way, but I STILL needed Patricia Field to be part of my last big bang from high school because she was truly part of my adventure for all those years.
So, my best friends and I decided to book hair appointments for prom at her salon. Yes, she had a salon inside her store!! In the back if I am remembering correctly! We all showed up with wild hair and our other friends were in shock! Our answer? “Patricia Field did our hair… we go way back!” So many laughs.
She truly represented so many incredible times in my life growing up. And because of this, I thank her.
So, to see her in action – at such full force today – brings me so much joy. The store I visited in the 90s did NOT look like the pictures I am showing you today. You had to walk down a half flight of stairs. It was much grittier. Her new space is absolutely stunning, but her work is still very much PATRICIA and you can see that from the pictures above and below.
The fashion she creates is ALIVE. You can tell that when she creates, she releases a part of her. She is an artist – not just a designer. She is… free. I saw that at such an early age and I still see that today. Patricia continues to live her best life. I should hope for the same until my dying day.
Patricia Field Art Fashion Gallery Location
If you want to visit the Patricia Field Art Fashion Gallery head to 200 East Broadway, Suite 3D. It’s open Monday – Friday, 10am-6pm. Nestled inside the ground floor of an unassuming building on East Broadway, Field’s new headquarters is an intimate space with a speak-easy feel, seemingly for art and fashion connoisseurs “in-the-know”. The new space also houses Field’s main office, a base of operations where her team runs her still-thriving online gallery.
Such a fun vibe! You can head to the store and check out everything she’s created (to wear or to view) and then purchase what you like. I love that the art on the walls is even for sale. In typical Field style, it is a colorful bazaar, every inch of the walls adorned with painted canvases and sculptures that compliment the bespoke fashion creations hanging on the racks below.
My friend Lara from Pretty Connected hosted the opening. Guests received a Pretty Connected bag chain bar which included a custom strap made special for the party. Lara is super talented and she is another person that I truly enjoy watching in the industry.
It makes sense that these two ended up together. Guests who attended the launch had a little fun with the YouCam App – they provided virtual hair makeovers featuring Patricia Field’s icon red hair. The app can be downloaded for free here:
The Patricia Field Art Fashion Gallery feels like one of those spaces that you can get lost in, right? While walking around, try to find some of Field’s famous staples including ‘VOGUE’ and signature baseball caps, Carrie tutus, and the custom nameplate necklace made famous by Field on Sex & the City (available for clients made-to-order).
These enduring classics now sit alongside new one-of-a-kind ARTFASHION offerings like glamorous Swarovski encrusted Lionfish necklaces by Kevin McHugh, neo-punk silicone chokers by SSIK, and an array of hand-painted shirts by Scooter LaForge, to name but a small few. LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM!!!!
What do you think? Next time you visit NY, will you visit the Patricia Field Art Fashion Gallery? I hope you do! You shouldn’t miss this opportunity.
Patricia Field ARTFASHION Gallery
Hours: Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm
Saturdays & Sundays by appointment
200 E Broadway, Suite 3D, New York NY 10002