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Hmmmnnn… So Maybe I’m Not Fully Off Of Bed Rest After All?

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I spent HOURS at the doctor’s office today running several tests and scans. I was exposed to fifths disease and have to go weekly to do a sonogram to check to see if the baby is having any problems. SO ANNOYING but the doctors are hopeful that it’s really not going to be a big deal. If anything, they will just deliver me. That’s the plan. Tomorrow I hit 34 weeks and they said that at that point they would not stop labor should it begin.

Anyway, we checked the growth of the baby – Mr. C is now 6 pounds 3 ounces. I make big babies! Natalie and Liam were 8 pounds 13 ounces at 37 weeks and 8 pounds 14 ounces at 38 weeks respectively. So, this baby is right on track to hit those numbers.

They also checked my C section scar to make sure that I would be okay to do another VBAC… and I am.

AND I was placed on the TOCU monitor for a long time. This baby was sleeping for a while and the nurses made me drink Gatorade and eat candy to try to give him a little sugar boost. It worked. He eventually started to kick around. I had one contraction the entire time and everyone was happy with the results.

Now I’m exhausted! That’s a bed rest marathon folks! Back and forth between two offices. Oy Vey I was going to collapse. hahahahahah

Anyway, while we were having the sit down chat with my primary doctor she said I’m off bed rest but not to go crazy. And the examples she gave were:

  • You wouldn’t run around Fairway going food shopping, right?
  • You wouldn’t spend the day at the mall, right?

Just take it easy at home.

So…. I’m on restricted movement. I can do things around the house, go to the movies, go out to eat … but not run errands really. I thought that I would be able to just exist like every other pregnant mom to be. But that isn’t the case. I still can’t do regular things. I misunderstood. I thought once I hit 34 weeks, I would be able to do those things. I’m glad we had that chat today because I would have most certainly over did it. I was planning to clean the house tomorrow and to get all the CLUTTER taken care of.

Not going to happen.

OH and baby is now heads down. So, that’s good news.

Anyway — all is good. Despite still being restricted I am so very happy today. I’m hoping to run one quick errand every few days. I will not push it at all. But I WILL enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. 🙂



Friday 25th of January 2013

I was thinking of you today and was hoping you would be able to be up and about, so you kindof are. Hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel is closer to you and Mr. C is ready to make an entrance. Crossing my fingers..XO


Friday 25th of January 2013

Yay for another VBAC! Best thing I ever did!


Friday 25th of January 2013

I was on a rest like that with my son.. I have to say I loved it. But then again, you are probably bored out of your mind by now. :) Stay sane - only a few more weeks!

Charlene (@CharChronicles)

Friday 25th of January 2013

You got to eat candy! That is awesome. I wish someone said that to me today. LOL. Glad things are good and I know how frustrating it is to not be able to do stuff. Esp. when that nesting instinct is kicking in. But all is good so that is the best thing of all!


Friday 25th of January 2013

You're in the homestretch, hon, and it'll be over soon. What will you name him, or is Mr. C what he shall be known as? LOL. I love this blog and am sharing it with my friends! Sarah

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