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Daily Diary: I’ve Figured Out How To Get My Kids To Eat Dinner Without Complaining

Imagine a little tiny ant walking across your body over and over again throughout the years. At first, it’s sort of annoying. But then it’s becomes something you obsess over. The little ant’s movement is pretty much ALL THAT YOU THINK ABOUT AND FEEL. It’s everything!

Do I sound like I should be institutionalized? Odds are I do because dinner with my children every single night has slowly chipped away at my soul and made me bat sh** crazy. I beg them every night.


Liam was starting up. Fresh, homemade chicken soup — you know HORRIBLE FOOD. And I was looking and him and thinking to myself, “really”? How can you complain about this? It’s just soup. And it’s homemade. And it’s delicious. I can’t handle another second. It’s been 9 years worth of dinners. 9 x365 = madness. I don’t even want to calculate that number. I really don’t. Because if I do, I think I will crack in half.

So, I took my camera out and I started filming. I wanted to show him what he sounded like once it was all done. And you know what happened? He stopped. He stopped whining and crying and complaining and insulting. I couldn’t believe it. He actually STOPPED.

Did I find the secret, moms? Did I finally figure it all out? Was that all that I had to do all these years? JUST FILM THEM?


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