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11 Things I’m Bringing Back After Seeing Guardians Of The Galaxy

Alright people. Heads up – Guardians of the Galaxy was flipping awesome. It was SOOOOOOOO GOOD. If I went to the movies without my kids, I would have still enjoyed this one. Not kidding.

The jokes were hilarious. I’m not a “laugh out loud in the  movie theatre” kinda girl. I might smile or do some sort of throaty sound that’s a half laugh when I find something funny. But there’s no laughing in a theater WITH ME. It just doesn’t happen. Maybe because I don’t really like to watch comedies…. ???????

But anyway, I freaking LAUGHED HARD with Guardians of the Galaxy. Dave Bautista – who plays Drax – had me r-o-l-l-i-n-g. Perfect comedic timing with some of his lines. Oh my word. Dry as can BE. I can’t. Even my husband was dying.

What am I talking about?! I’m supposed to be writing a list!! UGH – I’m sorry. I just had to tell you to go see the movie first because it’s good. Your kids will love it and so will you.

Trust me. (Few curses – watch out for those. Maybe tell your kids that there are a few bad words in the movie and that it’s not ok to say those words, etc. before heading in to find your seats.)  OH, and if you are a child of the 80s, be sure to stay through to the end of the credits – there is a fun little scene to enjoy.

11 Things I’m Bringing Back After Seeing Guardians Of The Galaxy

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The Mixed Tape


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